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Little Action

SMALL MOVE, BIG PLEASURE. This is NHN's CSR campaign that creates great joy through small actions.
As an in-house campaign joined by a total of 1,000 employees, we carried out social contribution in various fields including
raising eco-friendliness awareness, supporting underprivileged, and donating blood.

Round #1 Blood Donation Bus #2 Sharing Clothes You Don't Wear #3 Making Braille Books
Period Apr. 2019 Jul. 2019 Nov. 2019
Participants 237 participants 140 participants 340 participants
About 60,000ml of blood Donated 50 boxes of clothing to
the Beautiful Store and Open
Donated books and 31 input files
to Korean Braille Library,
Northern Gyeonggi Library for the Blind and Gyeonggi-do Library for the Blinds
Round #4 Zero Waste #5 Donate Every Step Blood Donation Bus Re-ride
Period May. 2020 Nov. 2020 Nov. 2020
Participants 565 eco-friendly actions 134 participants 83 participants
- Supported a total of 5 children
with brain lesions with
customized wheelchairs, electric
kits, and safety education which
worth 10 million KRW
About 20,000ml of blood
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Community Involvement and Contribution

Kkot-shin Village Kitchen

'Kkot-shin' is an abbreviation for ‘blooming trust' in Korean. We started a social contribution project to help the elderly to form
social relationship, enjoy stable diet and promote cognitive health based on the trust of the local community, using the cooking
facilities of public service organizations as shared kitchens.

Youth Devotee Life

We support sound leisure and volunteer activities for the youth along with the Seongnam Youth Foundation by running the 'Youth
Devotee Life' project. We offer opportunities for young people to explore career paths while sharing fun and hobbies.

Year 2018 2019 2020
No. of Beneficiaries 370 1,209 970
Donations/Items 15 million KRW 30 million KRW 30 million KRW
Youth Dream Support Project

As a project run by the Seongnam City Youth Foundation, it supports the dreams of young generation.
We participate in the project offering the company tour to help the youth when choosing their career.

Year 2018 2019 2020
No. of Beneficiaries 40 40 (postponed due to COVID-19)
  • Company building tour, offer lunch and souvenir
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My Auction

It is an auction that sells PCs, monitors, stands, etc. in good condition among office appliances returned after use to employees.
The proceeds from the 3rd My Auction, joined by 222 employees, were used in donating fruit lunch box to the medical staff who are fighting against COVID-19.

Lucky Auction

Every holiday, employees can share their holiday gifts that are difficult to return through NHN Business Ethics Counseling Center or the Lucky Auction.
The auction starts at a price 50% lower than the item's lowest price. As the final bidder voluntarily donates the bidding amount, it allows the company to practice corporate ethics more meaningfully and transparently than free sharing.

Occasional Donation

We also donate in-house assets and found materials to the educationally vulnerable and underprivileged groups.

Type My Auction Lucky Auction Occasional Donation
Period Jun. 2020 From 2013 until 2021 From 2019 until 2020
Participants 222 469 340
Delivered 2,100 fruit boxes worth
23 million won to medical staff
who strive to fight against
Donated the final bidding amount
to the desired donation
destinations such as Happy
Bean, Child Fund Korea, and Médecins Sans Frontières.
2019: Donated 149 bicycles and
found items to the Beautiful Store
if owner doesn't show up for more
than 6 months.
2020: Donated 120 idle assets
within the company to the
Children's Center in Jeollanam
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Encouraging Social Contribution Activities

We encourage our employees to continuously participate in the social contribution and present 'Action Badges’ 'designed for each activity. So-called 'Little Action Master' who completed all five Little Actions and collected five badges, receive the master badge/ bags as a reward.

리틀액션 마스터를 찾습니다
리틀액션 마스터란?

5번의 리틀액션에 모두 참여하고, 다섯 가지 뱃지를 콜렉팅 하신 참가자

  • Action #1 헌혈버스타기
  • Action #2 입지 않는 옷 나누기
  • Action #3 점자도서 만들기
  • Action #4 제로 웨이스트
  • Action #5 걸음걸음기부하기
리틀액션 마스터 리워드

마스터 등록하기

NHN의 나눔 문화에 크게 기여하신 리틀액션 마스터께 존경의 마음을 담아 마스터 뱃지와 가방을 선물로 드립니다.

마스터로 등록하시면, 참가 여부 확인 후 연락드릴 예정입니다.
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