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ESG Value

Considering 'technology that makes today, technology that breathes with people'
as the core corporate value, NHN aims to grow together
with various stakeholders and create a sustainable future with IT technology.

  • Maximize Energy Efficiency
    • Improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emission with eco- friendly data centers and office spaces

    • Eco-friendly business through technological innovation

    • Encourage employees’engagement in eco-friendly activities and campaigns

  • Shared Growth
    with IT
    • Grown together with local communities and SMEs by sharing technology, capital, and human resources

    • Management performed from the respect of its employees so that, together with the company, they can be happy at both work and life

    • Special social contribution that begins voluntarily by its members

  • Transparent Governance
    • Shareholder-friendly management based on transparent decision-making from the board of directors

    • Mid- to long-term shareholder return policy to enhance shareholder value

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ESG Management System

ESG Committee

In March 2022, NHN established the ESG Committee consisting of three outside directors under its Board of Directors. As the highest council that pursues ESG management, based on its independence and expertise, the ESG Committee decides on major ESG management-related strategies and policies and thoroughly inspects the fulfillment of the strategies established.

ESG-dedicated Organization

As the ESG committee decided to establish an ESG-dedicated body and set out strategies to promote ESG in May 2022, NHN established an ESG meeting board constituted of representatives from 13 group companies and an ESG task force directly under the CEO’s office. The ESG meeting board internalizes ESG management throughout the entire NHN companies and plays a pivotal role to encourage the practice of ESG. The TF, composed of leaders and working-level staff members from departments of different areas, establishes and manages short and mid- to long-term tasks according to the ESG management strategy roadmap.

NHN aims to actively operate an ESG-dedicated organization to establish a system that enables NHN companies and organizations to organically pursue mid-to long-term ESG strategies and enhance sustainability throughout its management.

NHN ESG meeting board
  • NHN
  • NHN AD
  • NHN Academy
  • NHN Bugs
  • NHN Cloud
  • NHN Commerce
  • NHN Dooray!
  • NHN Edu
  • NHN Enterprise
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